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We have Received the Superbrands Business Award!

WESSLING Hungary Kft. a member of the Eurofins Group, among the best Hungarian brands.

WESSLING Hungary Kft., a company performing environmental, food safety and pharmaceutical tests as well as consultancy services (member of the Eurofins Group since 2022) is the only laboratory ranked among Hungary's strongest brands (Lidl, Diego, Jysk, Mester, Stiebel Eltron – to name but a few). A new glass sculpture was added to our collection in the solemn award ceremony and Managing Director Dr. László Zanathy foresees a definitely bright future for the company.

At the end of November more than 60 brands were provided, for the eighteenth time, with the Superbrands and Business Superbrands awards at Budapest Music Centre where our company was represented by Managing Director Dr. László Zanathy and Marketing Manager Gábor Szunyogh.

"The past 30 years' trajectory is phenomenal to me. It has been my privilege to have been able to witness how a big company evolves as a live organisation" – says László Zanathy in relation to the award.

"Wessling Knowledge Centre's key values include commitment to quality, speed, transparency, customer orientation, reliability, expertise as well as authentic and accurate communication Our values, as a member of the international market leader Eurofins Group, have remained unchanged, indeed: we are in for an even more stable future and further professional achievements!" - as the Managing Director claims in the exclusive Superbrands publication brought out on the gala evening.

The section introducing our company explains that the history of WESSLING Knowledge Centre equals continuous innovation: with its services offered and provided during the past 30 years the company has entered the segment of food safety and drug tests and analyses, the range of which it has been expanding steadily month after month. WESSLING's communication strategy is based on proactivity and the dissemination of scientific information. This is the purpose of the company's extension website, its own organised conference (Hungalimentaria), media appearances (more than 2000 of or articles appeared in the mainstream and professional media in the past ten years) along with our creative campaigns and those conducted in the context of corporate social responsibility: in the course of Tiny Plastic Puzzle we analysed the microplastic levels in the rivers Danube and its tributaries, while our chemistry contest called Laborkaland promoted chemistry among secondary school students through online contests and experiments, by means of up-to-date pedagogy. During our campaign "Ésszel a kosárba" ("watch out what you buy") we shared our important messages and experiences with the public. During our Gyomaendrőd project we performed tests and analyses in cooperation with the municipality in the context of corporate social responsibility while in our communication campaign this year promoting circular economy we drew attention to how waste can be turned into valuable input material for energy generation.

Our philosophy and CSR activities are in line with what programme director Géza László said when he emphasised that the brands awarded in the Superbrands programme are also characterised by a high degree of social sensitivity. "Fostering creativity and encouraging talent, ensuring equal opportunities and acceptable working environment are important values to us" – the programme director said.

As a special musical treat during the solemn gala evening Kriszta Kovács and Sándor Sasvári, leading artists of Hungary's best musical theatre, Madách Theatre, performed parts of world famous musical super productions. The musical parts were accompanied by the company of Baltazár Theatre engaging artists with disabilities, as a special dance ensemble.

The Superbrands Award means very much to us and we hope that it will increase confidence in us among the general public, professional circles and our business partners and suppliers alike.

About the Superbrands Programme

The Superbrands Award helps raise awareness in brand value: its communication draws attention among consumers and business partners to positive values such as the financial stability of the company behind the brand, its nationwide recognition and popularity and outstanding brand building practice.

The Superbrands Programme – now operating in more than 90 countries worldwide – was launched in 1995 by the British Brand Council, with a two-fold objective: to highlight outstanding brands and show examples for others to follow. The programme has come to be known across the globe by now, with the Superbrands title indicating something special, something outstanding in nearly 90 countries worldwide.

The Superbrands Award has been representing the essence of all positive factors attached to brands in Hungary: it showcases up their market recognition, popularity and their financial stability. Five year after its launch the Hungarian Superbrands Programme extended the qualification to business brands as well by introducing the Business Superbrands Award to reward the most successful brands in the business sector (B2B).

As it is widely known, the best of the best consumer and business brands are rewarded by the international Superbrands programme, a trademark symbolising high quality. The final decisions on the awardees are made, after a screening process of several phases, by a committee of 40 independent marketing and business management experts each year.