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Eurofins Hungary News:

Date Latest News
15-Aug-2023 Everlasting, dangerous substance discovered in the river Tisza
A notorious compound was identified in a joint laboratory survey by the PET Cup and Eurofins. PFAS ...
28-Jun-2023 Domestic environmental services of the Eurofins Group become uniform and complete
With the merger of Eurofins KVI-Plus Kft. and Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft., a market le...
26-Jun-2023 Recycled packaging: what to look out for
The fact that various substances (including harmful compounds) migrate from packaging into food is n...
19-May-2023 Eurofins among the strongest Hungarian brands!
During its history in Hungary, Eurofins received the Superbrands Business Award for the first time, ...
18-May-2023 Eurofins for safety at work
A conference was held at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) at the end of Apr...
17-May-2023 Eurofins, one of the most highly committed green companies
Two of our projects are among the finalists in the Greengage 2023 competition. Eurofins Analytical S...
14-May-2023 Independent testing laboratory for food safety
Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft’s Food Testing Laboratory has, together with the National F...
11-May-2023 “We provide people in Hungary with safe and high quality foodstuffs”
Hungalimentaria, a conference and exhibition of great traditions, took place again. Prominent repres...
2-May-2023 Bacterial antibiotic resistance may become leading cause of deaths
The huge bacterial population living inside more complex organisms (humans, livestock), constitutes ...
27-Apr-2023 Apple Chestnut Rose, winner of the competition called Hungary’s Sugar-Free Cake competition
The competition of the Hungary’s Sugar-free Cake programme, organised by One Drop of Attention Found...
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