Eurofins among the Best Branches!

The Business Superbrands Awards this year also rewarded social commitment besides financial and commercial success.
As we have already reported, Eurofins has, for the first time of its history in Hungary, been granted the Superbrands Business award, which we had the honour of taking over in person, at the gala event on 2 November 2023. At one of Hungary's most important business award ceremonies Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft. was represented by the Company's executive director Dr. László Zanathy and marketing manager Gábor Szunyogh.
At this year's event the organisers laid particular emphasis on social responsibility and sustainability, which is why the green innovation patronised by Superbrands Hungary, called the 10 Million Trees Foundation, which builds cohesive environmental and climate-friendly communities nationwide through its tree planting projects, was introduced this evening.
"It is a great pleasure to see how much responsibility the Superbrands award winners take for their environment and how much effort they put into reducing or eliminating the use of harmful substances in their business or activities "– programme director Géza László said.
In the light of this we are particularly proud of our achievements in the field of social responsibility and sustainability. In addition to its outstanding professional and extremely stable financial performance as well as its marketing and communication achievements Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft excels among its competitors in terms of CSR as well: in the course of its communication programme based on scientific information dissemination activities the company operates a scientific information website ( and organises a nationwide food safety conference (Hungalimentaria), and has had more than 2000 articles published in the mainstream and professional media in the last ten years. During our creative campaigns in the context of social responsibility our specialists studied the levels of microplastic contamination of the river Danube and its tributaries (Tiny Plastic Puzzle), promoted the subject of chemistry among secondary school students by organising on-line contests and experiments, and by producing our reports in a digital form we save a small forest from being felled each year. In its educational-communication campaign conducted in the spring of 2022, entitled "How to generate energy from melon rinds" the Company demonstrated what solid recovered fuel (SRF) is, how recycling takes place and what efforts are made in its laboratories to make sure that its products also environmentally safe, contributing to the implementation of circular economy, which is also supported by the European Union..
The international Superbrands Programme is now operating in more than 90 countries (since 2004 in Hungary) with the aim of highlighting outstanding brands as examples worth following: upholding their outstanding market recognition popularity and financial stability. Five year after its launch the Hungarian Superbrands Programme extended the qualification to business brands as well by introducing the Business Superbrands Award to recognise the most successful brands in the business sector (B2B).
As it is widely known, the best of the best consumer and business brands are rewarded by the international Superbrands programme, a trademark symbolising high quality. The final decisions on the awardees are made, after a screening process of several phases, by a panel of 40 independent marketing and business management experts each year.
We are extremely honoured that for the first time Eurofins' network of laboratories in Hungary has also earned this recognition.