Eurofins among the most attractive brands in Hungary in 2024

For the second time, the Hungarian Eurofins Group has won the Business Superbrands award for the most outstanding brands in the B2B business sector, which is primarily connected to enterprises. The award, which is recognized by the general public and the industry, was awarded by a 40-member independent panel of marketing and management experts. The award is not open to applications and the decision is based solely on the basis of the company's professional, economic and marketing performance. We are extremely proud to be once again among the strongest brands in Hungary!
The certificate is in the name of Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft., but it also shows the brand strength of the entire corporate group.
In addition to its outstanding professional and extremely stable financial performance, Eurofins also demonstrated last year the unity and strength of the brand through its social responsibility: it has published nearly thirty articles on its scientific website,, most of which have become major press releases, including reports on our international and domestic microplastics research, an article on the "everlasting materials" found in the River Tisza, and a professional article on the dangers of recycled packaging materials.
The results of Eurofins also contributed to the preparation of the international policy guidance on river waste pollution in the Danube catchment area and to the results of the RISK-MP project presented at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which provided information on microplastics discharged through municipal wastewater.
We have supported the PET Cup and Hungary's Sugar Free Cake, the Birdo Bird Photographer of the Year competition, university competitions and sports clubs with our professional analyses.
Together with the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), we organized Hungalimentaria, one of the most important food safety conferences in Hungary, and together with the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling, one of the most important meetings of the SIRHA exhibition.
This year, we do not rest either: in addition to the above activities, we will relaunch the Lab Adventure educational competition, participate as exhibitors and with presentations at the Environtec environmental exhibition, carry out further socially based studies on the River Tisza, start organizing next year's Hungalimentaria and, of course, continue our cooperation with universities and research institutes.
As a member of the largest laboratory network in the world, our main goal remains to improve the quality of life and to serve our partners through a wide range of services.