Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft. among the most stable Hungarian companies

Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft., a laboratory with more than three decades of professional experience in analytical services and consulting, has earned the AAA Platinum Excellence Certificate of Dun & Bradstreet, which sends a clear message to our partners: our company is financially stable, reliable and the risk of doing business with us is extremely low.
Dun & Bradstreet, the international business information provider and rating agency, rates the financial stability and business reliability of all operating businesses based on a continuously measured and proven methodology developed by international experts. The rating is based on strictly professional criteria and is not open to applications or candidacies.
That is why we are extremely honored that our company, Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft, has been selected as one of the most financially stable Hungarian companies. This means that we act fairly with our partners in the market and the probability of insolvency of our company is extremely low.
The rating is based on data from several official sources: information from the Ministry of Justice, NAV (the National Tax and Customs Administration) and other authorities, registrations and data from the Registry Court. In addition to data from official sources, it incorporates financial information on the company, such as balance sheet data, profit and loss account, trends. Bisnode also takes into account whether the company pays its bills on time or late, i.e., its payment discipline, among other things.
The fact that an independent, international expert organization has recognized the stability of our company sends us the message that we are on the right track in building and developing our business.
This certification also gives our customers, suppliers and employees the confidence that is increasingly important today in long-term, solid business relationships.