Eurofins expert gave a speech on EU-conference

Euforins Analytical Services Hungary Kft. expert, Dr. Bordós Gábor gave a speech on Conference on Microplastics in drinking water – from source to tap, organizered by the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Water Quality Priority Area at the beginning of October, in Budapest.
The Commission adopted recently two new measures to enhance the EU’s water resilience and to improve water quality and quantity throughout the continent. They include a standard methodology to measure the presence of microplastics in water and a delegated act to ensure that reusing treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation is safe.
The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Water Quality Priority Area (PA4) aims to discuss on the topic of plastics and microplastics in drinking water from source to tap in line with the obligations of EU directives. It also aims to capitalise the results of relevant projects (DRP, DTP, LIFE, Horizon etc.) – wrote the organizers of the event.
Among other important specialists, our colleague also gave a speech, sharing the results of our laboratory's investigation on the Danube. The title of Dr. Gábor Bordós’s speech was: “Microplastics in the Danube region – towards standardised routine analysis”. As Dr. Gábor Bordós, Head of the Microplastics Testing Laboratory of Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Kft. explained: the most important challenge currently facing microplastics research is the lack of a common methodology for comparing measured values.
The audience could listen to lectures on the following exciting topics (among others): Microplastics in wastewater treatment plants: fate and removal; Microplastic monitoring along the Tisza River; Microplastics from the viewpoint of the sewage networks; Citizen science applications to monitor plastic pollution in rivers; EU Mission Ocean and Waters and Microplastics.
More information about the conference: