Eurofins Food and Feed Testing Budapest Ltd.: Successful re-accreditation

Eurofins Food and Feed Testing Budapest Ltd.: Successful re-accreditation
The first accreditation and the renewal of accreditation is a relevant event in the life of any testing laboratory at prescribed intervals.
What does accreditation mean?
According to the website of National Accreditation Authority (NAH) (
"Accreditation is the official recognition of the ability of an organisation, natural person to perform certain conformity activities (testing, calibration, sampling, certification, inspection, etc.).."
The accredited status is valid for 5 years, and it is very important that the accredited body must also meet the accreditation requirements during the accreditation cycle (the period from the date of the decision of the accreditation or re-accreditation procedure until the end of the next re-accreditation procedure) in the surveillance procedures.
On 23rd of September 2024, Eurofins Food and Feed Testing Budapest Ltd. has successfully renewed its accreditation!
During the on-site inspection and audit, our company demonstrated that it operates an effective quality management system and fulfils all the conditions and requirements of the relevant standards, legislation and NAH regulations.
The validity of the accredited status of Eurofins Food and Feed Budapest Ltd:
Accreditation number: NAH-1-1009/2024
Start date of accredited status: 3rd of October 2024.
Expiry date of accredited status: 3rd of October 2029.
The new accreditation documents are available on the website of Eurofins Food and Feed Testing Hungary:
Detailing accreditation certificate
Flexible Scope Register of Accreditation
Information about the accredited status of Eurofins Food and Feed Testing Budapest Ltd. and the relevant documents are also available on the NAH website in the "Database of Accredited Organisations and Natural Persons":