Microplastics in the largest shallow lake of Central Europe

Physiological effects of microplastics have been investogated by a Hungarian research group based on the analysis results of Eurofins.
Microplastics (MPs) in the environment are more and more becoming a pollutant of concern as these particles might cause acut and chronic effects in algea and vertebrates as well. This is becoming also obvious, that anthropogenic pollutants – such as pharmaceutocal residues, polyciyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides – are attached to the surface of MPs enhancing toxic effect and bioaccumulation in the food chain.
Rsearchers of the Institute of Agquaculture and Environmental Safety (MATE University), the ELKH Balaton Limnological Research Institute and the Eurofins Analytical Services Hungary Ltd. identified 7 polymer types in the size range of 50-100 µm, most common were polyethylene and polypropylene particles. In average, 5.5 particles of MPs were found in 1000 L water sample and this value is more or less similar to previous Europe-wide results.
The research group proved, that both virgin MPs (polyethylene, polystyrene) and particles exposed paralelly with hormones are coausing adverse effects in Daphnia magna, a common ecotoxicological test organism.
Results have been just published in the renowned journal Science of the Total Environment