The framework directive on European wastes defines how companies must treat wastes. The key principle is to generate as little waste as possible. Make efforts to recycle waste before elimination. Waste treatment is considered to be a global task; therefore we assist you with a wide range of advices on how the generation or the reduction of generation of waste is possible during the working operations. Our experts help you to save costs as a result of recycling valuable materials.
Services provided:
- Accredited waste sampling procedure and analytical testing of wastes
- Assessment of eligibility for landfilling – in accordance with Ministerial Decree No 20/2006 (IV. 5.) KvVM
- Preparation of waste notification and waste management plans
- Environmental assessment of landfill sites (impact study)
- Waste classification
- Qualification assessment of solid recovered fuels (SRF)
- Determination of radio carbon and tritium content of fuels, wastes, plants and food products
- Determination of the biomass contents of fuels and wastes

Dr. Hantosi Zsolt