Accomplishment of the assessments complying with the safety at work legislation is an elementary interest and obligation of employees, since in the event the values measured during an official inspection visit fail to meet the recommendations and the strictly set limit values, serious fines can be imposed on the operator. Under the legislatory framework risk assessment procedures may also require regular measurements at the workplace. In addition to the considerations of environmental protection, for our partners who carry out manufacturing activities just as well, securing the appropriate working environment for their employees may be of paramount importance.
Services provided:
- accredited assessment of the air space at the workplace including evaluation of the results and the preparation of a test report
- general parameters influencing the workplace environment which include: accredited measurement of the air temperature, air velocity, relative humidity, and complex climatic parameters: determination of the PMV, PPD, effective temperature
- accredited determination of the concentration of contaminants evaporating from furniture and adhesives (volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde) and dust released by the ventilation system, as well as identification of eventually present microbiological contaminants such as Legionella, or the mould fungi
- we assume accredited measurements for workplace noise, determination of the noise exposure of employees, evaluation of the results; on the basis of the measurement results a grid map of noises on the area under investigation will be created
- we undertake accredited measurements and evaluation of artificial lighting and illumination of premises and working surfaces
- Biological exposure indices (BEI) monitor the health status of employees from the perspective of chemical safety at the workplaces. We are able to measure more than 80 per cent (both metals and organic compounds) of the parameters listed in the regulation and to be determined from urine, which were successfully determined in international proficiency testing examinations just as well

Páricsi-Kiss Szilvia
+36 70 9059758